Furnaces Articles

What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace?

December 20, 2024
What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace? Photo of a man on his phone, looking out a window seemingly concerned.

If your furnace is producing a strange smell, you should always treat it with caution. While the cause for the odor may be benign, it could just as easily be harmful to inhale. When in doubt, always open windows to ensure ventilation, and evacuate your Fort Wayne home.

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

November 22, 2024
Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home? Family of three huddled under a blanket to stay warm in their home.

If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your Huntertown home to you, you’re not alone. Many homes have varied conditions from room to room, causing spotty heating or cooling.

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Why Is the Furnace Pilot Light Going Out?

November 15, 2024
Why Is the Furnace Pilot Light Going Out? Gas burner flame abstraction long exposure.

Your utility bills, along with repairs, start creeping up. At some point, it makes more sense financially to replace these old appliances with newer models. When the time comes, Brockman Heating & Air Conditioning can help you make the right decision. We install, replace, repair, and maintain all major brands of heating equipment.

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What Is a Dual Fuel Heating System?

March 29, 2024
What Is a Dual Fuel Heating System? Women looking at device with serious expression.

Brockman Heating & Air Conditioning is happy to lay all the options on the table so you can make the best decision for your New Haven home. Here’s what you should know about dual fuel systems: 

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Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running?

December 6, 2023
Why Won’t My Furnace Stop Running? - Man Fixing Furnace.

Is your furnace blowing air without pause? If so, you’re probably feeling a bit concerned.

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Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air?

November 8, 2023
Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cold Air? Preteen girl in knitted scarf hat is warming near heating radiator using laptop for leisure study with ginger cat lying on chair.

Did you finally turn your furnace on this winter only to have cold air blowing out of your vents? Or did your furnace stop working just when you started to need it most? There are a few reasons your furnace may be blowing cold air, and there a few things to check before you need to worry too much. 

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7 Furnace Maintenance Tips

September 6, 2023
7 Furnace Maintenance Tips - Man Inspecting Furnace.

It’s understandable that maintenance tasks often fall by the wayside.

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What to Do When Your Furnace Is Leaking Water

February 8, 2023
A gold liquid. What to Do When Your Furnace Is Leaking Water.

If you notice a pool of water has formed around the furnace in your home, don’t be alarmed. In most cases, this is not a serious problem.

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How Do I Know When I Need a New Furnace?

January 23, 2023
A HVAC tech uses a clipboard. How Do I Know When I Need a New Furnace?

Furnaces are not designed to last forever, so it’s helpful to know when you should be replacing it. But how exactly will you know when it’s time?

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6 Ways Your Furnace Keeps You Safe

January 13, 2023
A person cozies up on a chilly day. 6 Ways Your Furnace Keeps You Safe.

Your fuel-burning furnace has a number of mechanisms allowing it to run safely and effectively. These features prevent fires and protect your indoor air quality (IAQ)

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When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

November 18, 2022
Image of someone working on a furnace. When Should You Replace Your Furnace?

Your furnace plays the key role in keeping you warm in your Fort Wayne home, but even with routine maintenance, it does not last forever. Nobody wants to think about replacing any major household system, but it’s generally more cost effective to be proactive in your thinking about it.

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What Are Signs I Need a New Furnace?

October 13, 2022
Image of person working on a furnace. What Are Signs I Need a New Furnace?

A furnace is a major investment for any Fort Wayne homeowner. Although it’s not something that will need to be done frequently, most people will face the decision of needing to purchase a new heating system sometime during home ownership.

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When Do I Know It’s Time to Buy a New Furnace?

September 14, 2022
furnace ductwork

It’s easy to moan when you decide that a major appliance or home system needs replacing. After all, these are expensive investments and probably not your favorite way to spend your hard-earned money. Unfortunately, there’s often not a clear-cut message, short of an appliance completely breaking down, that definitively indicates it’s time to buy a new model.

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How Does My Gas Furnace Work?

February 7, 2022
how does a gas furnace work

Our team at Brockman Heating & Air could help you save big bucks on your monthly utility bill by performing a furnace replacement. And while we’re on the topic, we can help with your other HVAC needs: air conditioning, heat pumps, indoor air quality (IAQ), and more. All you need to do is call.

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Heat Pump Versus Furnace

March 15, 2021

Looking to install a new heater in your Fort Wayne home? Your two most popular choices are a heat pump and a furnace. Each one has advantages and disadvantages when compared to the other.

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